After completing the Star in Motion, Runyan and Associates produced a reference manual for the LAOOC. The “Graphic Standards Manual” provided guidance to sponsors, suppliers and licensees and
LAOOC graphic artists in the proper use and reproduction of the official symbols, the Star in Motion, © 1980 L.A. Olympic Commitee mascot and pictograms associated with the Games of the XXlllrd
Olympiad. In the manual were standards for size relationships and color reproduction of the various symbols, requirements for placement of trademark and copyright symbols and the establishment of
an official logotype and typeface. The official symbols were registered and fully protected by appropriate national and international laws governing copyrights, trademarks and industrial designs.
Consequently, all usage of the symbols had to be authorized by the LAOOC and product samples bearing the symbols had to be submitted to the LAOOC for final written approval to ensure they
conformed with the requirements as set forth in the “Graphic Standards Manual."
Marketing benefits available through association with the Olympic Games by commercial use of the symbols were restricted to LAOOC approved sponsors, suppliers and licensees.
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